
National Novel Writing Month: Part The Third

Day 28 of the challenge is coming to a close and I have a measely 32333 words.
I can only say 3 positive things about this:

1. It was actually a lot more words than I realistically considered myself capable of. When I first started the challenge I thought '50,000 words! Cakewalk!' but inside, my soul screamed "You fucking moron! You don't even know 50,000 words!' and though that didn't make any sense because you can't write a book 50,000 words long and never repeat a word, my soul had a point. 32333 words later and even ignoring the time frame I realize I am actually mentally capable of writing a 50,000 word novel.

2. My longest work at the time was a shitty, pseudo-autobiographical grindhouse b-movie of a novella and clocked in at about 23,000 words. having 10,000 words on that thing and not even being done yet (and being confident that this isn't some pulp piece of shit) is a pretty spectacular feeling. Hell, maybe I'll even surpass the 50k.

3. I can't remember what it was I considered the third positive thing I gained from this experience. But I'd like to believe there is a third thing.

Anyways, though I slacked a bit here and there, and my word count is nowhere near where I should be. I've not given up and I won't quit. I will be proud of whatever word count I reach, and eventually I will have a completed book to be proud of.

I have no excerpt for you because I don't want to give too much away! Sucks to be you!


National Novel Writing Month: Part The Second

It's day 20. Ten days remain in the contest and I'm, at the moment of this writing, not even halfway through my book. 24871 words strong - I'm close to half, no bones about it - this is still an achievement for me. I work 40 hours a week, I have a small social life, I have a PS3 that regularly requires my attention, much like a child, and yet I'm still going pretty strong. According to the NaNoWriMo website, I only need to write about 2,500 words a day to actually complete the book on time (assuming my book completes at 50K, which is does not seem so [however, at 50K I'm a winner, finished or not in my book ]) which isn't impossible. I've been polishing off about 3,000 every day, a little more when I write in my notebook at 826NYC on tuesdays.

I'm really happy with the direction the novel is headed in. I've tweaked bits and pieces, I've added and removed bits and pieces and, though it will still require heavy editing, content-wise I confident I have a good piece of work in front of me.

If you read the excerpt from Part the First, you're probably awash with curiosities and a deep interest in the happenings thus far. Provided is another snippet to whet your appetite for more of The Captain.


National Novel Writing Month: Part The First

So I didn't want to wait until twelve days into writing to inform you all in blog-world about the serious endeavor I'm undertaking. National Novel Writing Month is a month-long celebration of writing in which participants write 50,000 word novels before midnight November 30th. Seeings how I've recently been writing more as of late, with both a novel and a graphic novel miniseries in the works (more on these as they develop), I didn't mind putting that all on hold to torture myself for 30 days.

Between working 40 hours a week, volunteering at 826NYC on tuesdays, my only day off, and having a strong social/drinking life of course adding writing a novel with deadlines is the logical and responsible thing to do to my sanity.

Needless to say it's november 12th, I should be at 20,000 words today and I'm instead at 10,855 and steadily growing as I write this. I'm stressing over this a lot, but I'm still loving the experience. I'm constantly thinking about what to write, putting off video games and sleep to continue working. I plan on catching up with my word count this weekend (with only breaks for football, of course) in between.

As far as the book goes, I don't have a title yet, but it's classified under Satire/Humor/Parody which if you've read my entries here that about covers it.
I won't go into too much detail of what it's about, but there's an excerpt after the jump: