I started to write a story once about how everything died. All at once every single living thing just died synchronously and the story was not an account of how they died, or how some alien race reacted to their death, or how the world was no better or no worse than it was when man was around - it would be much better off, but probably plant life died as well.
It was about the beauty of everything frozen in time, a plane crashing into the ground so susceptible to gravity; a family dinner; a traffic jam. All things that aren't really all that great, but they're kind of beautiful when you consider that all these things can happen at once. It's a 3-d snapshot where it's kind of beautiful but when you look behind the picture, overall it's pretty crappy.
I never actually finished it, as so much of the things I started. I didn't know where to go, I guess. Where was the conflict? Where were the characters? What would happen next? Nothing I guess...nothing would happen next and that was the meaning I was trying to convey, but that hardly makes for a good read.
So I just stopped. Just as the world in my story instantly died, so did the story.
Maybe I'll type it up if I ever get the inclination.